Dr Alessio Platania MD MRCGP DFSRH FECSM GP & Sexologist, works at the Archway Sexual Health Centre.
Work experience in Italy
Dr Platania (he/him) graduated cum laude at the University of the Study of Catania and, in 2016 completed GP training.
During the training, they embraced a holistic view of medicine, which involves the bio-psycho-social model and focuses on patient-centred care specific to the individual.
In 2017 also became a Psychosexual Counsellor at the Instituto di Ricerca e Formazione in Florence, Italy, and is currently a fellow of the Italian Federation of Scientific Sexology.
They worked as GPs over several practices and OOH centres in Catania, volunteered with the Italian Red Cross, provided medical assistance to immigrants and participated in sexual education programs in secondary schools.
Work experience in UK
Moved to the UK in 2017 and initially worked as a salaried GP at the James Street Family Practice in Louth. From 2020 has been working in London as a locum GP for several practices and at the Urgent Care Centre of Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital. He also works as a Specialty Dr in Sexual Health at the Clinic for Sexual Dysfunctions at the NHS Archway Centre in London.
As a sexologist and sex educator, he aims to improve the quality of life of people, recognising how a healthy sexuality is a human right. Their holistic approach integrates medical, neuro psychosomatic and psychotherapeutic models with Eastern traditions and the newest affirming approaches to non-conventional relationships, kinks and neurodiversity.
He obtained the Fellowship in Sexual Medicine from the International Society for Sexual Medicine and regularly participates in international conferences focusing on promoting physical, mental and sexual well-being, in particular for neurodivergent patients. Has authored several scientific papers in international journals about sexology, gynaecology and nutrition.
Dr Platania is a holistic GP and is an expert in the treatment of male and female sexual dysfunctions, vaginismus, pain during sex, sexually transmitted diseases, arousal and orgasm problems, desire disorders, and can offer support for unconventional relationship styles (open relationships, polyamory, kink, BDSM, LGBTQIA+, etc) and adult neurodivergent patients (autism/ADHD/etc.).
Italian (native), English (C2).
Dr Alessio Platania is an Italian GP and Psychosexual Counsellor based in London.