Dr Dario Ahangari, MD, MRCP(Derm) is an Italian Dermatologist in London.
Training and previous work experience
Dario graduated with great distinction from the University of Louvain, in Brussels, Belgium, where he also completed his training in Dermatology.
He holds the Specialty Certificate Examination (UK) in Dermatology as well as a diploma in Dermatology and systemic diseases from the University of Paris. During training Dario gained knowledge in general adult and pediatric Dermatology, acne, eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions, sexually transmitted diseases, dermoscopy and skin cancer, minor dermatological operations, hair and nail conditions.
Work experience in UK
After specialising in Dermatology, Dario undertook further training in Dermatopathology as a senior clinical fellow at St John’s Institute of Dermatology (Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Trust), in central London.
Dr Dario Ahangari is currently Locum Consultant Dermatologist at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust in London.
General Dermatology, Dermoscopy and skin cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc…), hair / scalp and nail conditions.
English, Italian, French
Bupa international, Cigna, Allianz, AXA International
In summary:
Dr. Dario Ahangari is an Italian dermatologist in London