Mr Francesco Di Maggio is a Consultant General and Upper GI Surgeon in London.
Dr. Francesco Di Maggio is a highly specialised surgeon in the diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract diseases. He currently serves as a Consultant Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgeon at Croydon University NHS Hospital and the prestigious Shirley Oaks Clinic (Circle Health) and New Victoria Hospital in Kingston.
Work experience in Italy
Dr. Di Maggio graduated with honors from the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2006 and completed his specialisation in General Surgery with top marks at the University of Parma in 2014, with a thesis on pancreatic carcinoma published in Pancreatology. In 2017, he earned a Master’s degree in Humanitarian Emergency Surgery from the
University of Verona, working with Doctors Without Borders.
Work experience in UK
Since 2012, Dr. Di Maggio has collaborated with internationally renowned research institutions such as the Barts Cancer Institute, Kings College, and Imperial College London. He is the lead author of numerous high-impact publications on various surgical and medical topics, including:
– Minimally invasive esophageal cancer resection (Langenbecks 2021)
– Use of indocyanine green in emergency cholecystectomies (Surgical
Innovation 2020)
– The role of stroma in pancreatic cancer (Pancreatology 2017, Pancreas 2020)
– Complications of paraesophageal hernias (Annals of Laparoscopic Surgery
– Treatment of caustic ingestion injuries (Surgical Endoscopy 2022)
He has presented his work at numerous international conferences and has contributed to many other national and international studies as a co-author. From 2018 to 2021, he served as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Upper GI Surgery at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, where he focused on minimally invasive surgical treatment of upper gastrointestinal diseases.
Dr. Di Maggio specialises in the surgical treatment of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal motility disorders, gallstone disease, biliary pathology, and esophagogastric neoplasms. Under his guidance, the UGI operative
unit at Croydon has increased anti-reflux surgeries by 800%, from 5 to over 40 operations per year.
He also performs minimally invasive surgery for inguinal and abdominal wall hernias, and the removal of benign skin and subcutaneous lesions. With nearly 3000 surgeries to his credit, Dr. Di Maggio continues to provide excellent care to his patients.
Italian, Spanish, English, French.
Insurance Companies:
Bupa, Vitality, Axa, Aviva, Health online, General, WPA, Cigna, Aetna, Healix and Allianz approved doctor
In summary:
Mr Di Maggio is an Italian Consultant General and Upper GI surgeon in London.