Dr Irilda Budaj is an Italian Consultant Radiologist in London.
Work experience in Italy
Dr Budaj graduated with honours in Medicine and Surgery in 2009, and specialised in Radiology in 2015 at the University Hospital IRCCS AOU San Martino in Genoa (Italy).
The training consisted in four years of general imaging and one year of subspecialty training in cardiovascular imaging.
Before moving to the UK, Dr Budaj worked as a cardiovascular Consultant Radiologist at ICLAS-Istituto Clinico Ligure di Alta Specialita’ (Rapallo, Genova, Italy).
Work experience in UK
Between 2018 and 2020 Dr Budaj completed a clinical fellowship in Cardiothoracic Imaging at Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, focusing on cardiac CT, cardiac MRI and thoracic imaging (oncology and interstitial lung disease).
After completing the fellowship, Dr Budaj worked as a locum Consultant Cardio-Thoracic Radiologist at Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, U.K.
Since September 2021 she is a substantive Consultant Radiologist at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Wexham Park Hospital, where Dr Budaj covers general (acute and non-acute) imaging including x-rays, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI, and cardiothoracic imaging modalities including cardiac CT and cardiac MRI.
Dr Budaj is an expert Consultant Radiologist in general and cardiothoracic Imaging.
Italian, English, Albanian.
In summary:
Dr Budaj is an Italian Radiologist in London.