Oct 17 17

Dr Katy Vecchiato


Dr Katy Vecchiato is an Italian paediatrician in London.

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery and subsequently obtained a postgraduate degree in general Paediatrics at the University of Trieste, Italy.
Currently she is working as a Clinical Research Fellow for the King’s College London at the Evelina Perinatal Imaging Centre (St Thomas’ Hospital).

Work Experience in Italy
Through her 5 years residency program in Paediatriacs she worked in Trieste at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, covering both Paediatric and Neonatal areas.

Work Experience in UK
She worked as a Honorary Clinical Fellow at the Neonatal Unit at St Thomas’ Hospital London. Currently is working as a Clinical Research Fellow for the King’s College London at St Thomas’ Hospital, involved in neonatal brain imaging.

Paediatrics and Neonatology

Italian, English, Slovenian

Dr Katy Vecchiato is an Italian paediatrician in London

Apr 16 19

Dr. Alessandra Mazzola


Dr. Alessandra Mazzola is an intalian pediatrician and pediatric cardiologist in London.

Dr. Alessandra Mazzola graduated in Medicine and Surgery and subsequently obtained a postgraduate degree in general Paediatrics at the University of Pavia. Since 2010 she has been working as pediatric cardiologist. Between 2012 and 2013 she attended a high qualification master in Paediatric Cardiology at Bologna Alma Mater University.

Work experience in Italy

From November 2010 to April 2013 she worked as Pediatrician with special interest in pediatric cardiology at Pavia, at the University Hospital Policlinico San Matteo. Between May 2013 and February 2017 she worked as Pediatric cardiology at Necker Hospital in Paris in the pediatric cardio thoracic intensive care.

Work experience in UK

In February 2017 she moved to London where she has been working as senior fellow in Paediatric cardiology at Great Ormod Street Hospital. In 2018 she moved to Evelina London Children Hospital as a senior fellow in paediatric cardiology first and as a post CCT fellow in advanced echocardiography after, acquiring specific training in the modern echocardiographic technique applied to congenital heart diseases and sharpening her skills in trans eosophageal echocaridography.
Since 2021 she works as a paediatric cardiology consultant at Evelina London Children Hospital in a permanent role. Since 2018 she is also accredited with the European Society of Echocardiography
passing the exam in congenital heart disease and she has been recently re accredited for other 5 years meeting the requirements of the Society.
She also has expertise in cardio pulmonary exercise test and in Kawasaki disease.


Paediatric cardiology


Italian, English and French


Dr. Alessandra Mazzola is an italian paediatrician and paediatric cardiologist.

Nov 1 20

Dr. Chiara Zuiani


Dr Chiara Zuiani is an Italian paediatrician in London.

Dr. Chiara Zuiani graduated in Medicine and subsequently obtained a postgraduate degree in general Paediatrics at the University of Trieste, Italy.

She acquired a post-graduate Diploma in Pediatric Infectious diseases at the University René Descartes in Paris. Currently, she is working as a Clinical Research Fellow in Paediatric Allergy at St Mary’s Hospital.


Work experience in Italy

Through her 5 years residency program in Paediatriacs she worked at the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste and at the University Hospital of Udine, covering both general Paediatric and Paediatric infectious diseases. She worked as Community Paediatrician in Italy until she moved to London in early 2019.


Work experience in UK

Currently she is working as a Clinical Research Fellow in Paediatric Allergy for the Imperial College NHS Trust at St Mary’ Hospital.



Paediatrics, Paediatric Infectious Disease and Paediatric Allergy.



Italian, English, French.


In summary:

Dr Chiara Zuiani is an Italian paediatrician in London.

May 28 22

Dr. Michele Arigliani


Dr. Michele Arigliani is an Italian pediatrician in London.


Work experience in Italy

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Campus Biomedico University in Rome and specialised in Paediatrics at the University of Udine. He then worked for two and a half years as Consultant at the Paediatrics Unit of the University Hospital of Udine, managing a wide range of patients with acute and chronic diseases. Dr Arigliani holds a PhD in paediatric respiratory diseases from the University of Udine.


Work experience in UK

In 2019, Dr Arigliani moved to the UK where he still lives and works. He worked first as a clinical research fellow and, since March 2020, as a clinical fellow, at the Paediatric Pneumology Unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital. He is a member of several scientific societies, including the European Society of Pneumology, and author of numerous scientific articles in international journals.



General paediatrics, paediatric respiratory diseases.



Italian and English.


Insurance companies

WPA approved doctor


In brief:

Dr Michele Arigliani is an Italian paediatrician in London.

Apr 26 24

Dr. Alessandra Cocca


Dr Alessandra Cocca is a Consultant in Paediatric Endocrine and Bone and Mineral Disorder.


Work experience in Italy

She obtained her Bachelor in Medicine in Italy in 2010 at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. She then completed her paediatric training at the same University in 2017. During these years she spent one month in Boston at the New England Diabetes and Endocrinology Centre and 6 months at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital during which she worked on a diabetes project on glucose levels in different ethnicities.


Work experience in UK

She then started to work as a research fellow at Evelina London Children’s Hospital in 2018. She was involved in clinical trials for children with Achondroplasia and during a 2 years period she developed an interest in different types of bone conditions.
In 2019 she received the new investigator award the International Conference for Children Bone Health.
In 2020 she started to work as Consultant at the same hospital. She runs multidisciplinary clinic for children with Achondroplasia and Skeletal Dysplasia, she sees children with different types of osteoporosis, interpret their DEXA scans and offers treatment when appropriate.
She is also part of the Multidisciplinary clinic for the Young Person with Klinefelter.
In her endocrine clinics she sees several types of endocrine conditions such as adrenal insufficiency, short stature, delayed or precocious puberty and thyroid disorders.
Since May 2023 she is the Lead of the Bone service.
She is member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Skeletal Dysplasia Group for Teaching & Research and British Paediatric and Adolescent Bone Group.



  • Achondroplasia
  • Skeletal Dysplasia
  • Rickets
  • Hyper/hypocalcaemia
  • Phosphate related conditions
  • Osteoporosis
  • Short stature
  • Precocious/Delayed puberty
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Adrenal Insufficiency



Italian, English.


In summary:

Dr Alessandra Cocca is an Italian paediatrician in London.

Dec 17 15

Dr. Deliar Yazdanian


Dr Deliar Yazdanian is an Italian Gynecology and Obstetric consultant in London.

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery, and specialised in Gynecology and Obstetrics at University Hospital of Rome “Sapienza”.

Work experience in Italy

During her training, Dr. Yazdanian focused her clinical and research activity on Endometriosis, Gynecological Oncology and Gynecological minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy and operative hysteroscopy). She has been based in Rome where she gained experience also in gynecological ecography and attended a Diagnostic hysteroscopy course.

Work experience in UK

Dr. Yazdanian worked at West Middlesex University Hospital as part of her training and she is also apponinted as an Associate Specialist in the Departement of Gynecology of University Hospital Saint Luc in Brussels.


Dr. Yazdanian is an expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic tumors and endometriosis. She is also an expert in gynecological ecography and hysteroscopy.


Italian, Persian, French, English.

Insurance Companies

WPA approved doctor


Dr. Deliar Yazdanian is an italian gynaecologist in London

Dec 18 15

Dr. Maria Isabella Sereni


Dr. Maria Isabella Sereni is an Italian Gynaecology and Obstetrics consultant in London.

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery, and specialised in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at University Hospital of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico”.

Work experience in Italy

During her training, Dr. Sereni was involved with General Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology focussing primarily on the diagnosis and prevention of gynaecological cancer. She also gained experience in 2D and 3D echography. She has been based in Rome working in Policlinico Campus Bio-Medico and in Ospedale San Camillo-Forlanini. She also had a specialization course on prenatal diagnosis and obstetric echography at Artemisia Centre in Rome.

Work experience in UK

Dr. Sereni spent 4 years in the US (George Mason University, Manassas, VA) as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM). She has been involved in research on ovarian cancer proteomics and new therapeutic targets co-funded by the Italian government. Dr Sereni is currently Interim Cervical Screening Provider Lead for Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust where she supervises the Cervical Screening Programme. She is also Incident Lead for colposcopy, Wellbeing Lead per Gynaecology and sub-investigator abd substitute PI for a clinical trial in Oxford on a therapeutic vaccine against persistent HPV infection (APOLLO trial).
Affiliate Member of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG)
Member of British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
Member of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)
Member of Italian Medical Society of Great Britain


Dr. Sereni is an expert in cervical cancer prevention and colposcopy. She is also an expert in gynaecological ecography.


Italian, English, Spanish

Insurance Companies

Cigna and WPA approved doctor.


Dr. Sereni is an italian gynaecologist in London

May 16 17

Dr. Laura Ferrara


Dr. Laura Ferrara is an Italian Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in London.

Dr. Ferrara graduated with a First Class degree in Medicine and Surgery and specialised in Gynaecology and Obstetrics at University of Catania.

Work experience in Italy

During her training, Dr. Ferrara’s clinical and research primary focuses were on Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound, with a specific interest in sonographic evaluation of adnexal masses, this being the subject of her thesis. Her practice was based at the Obstetrics and Gynaecological departments of Azienda Ospedaliera Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele and ARNAS Garibaldi-Nesima in Catania and the Gynecological Unit of ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo. Dr. Ferrara has also gained further experience attending a specialist course on prenatal diagnosis and obstetric ultrasound at the Artemisia Centre in Rome.

Work experience in UK

Dr. Ferrara practiced as a Clinical Research Fellow focusing on gynaecological oncology ultrasound with a specific interest in adnexal pathologies at the Queen Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital – Imperial College healthcare NHS trust, where she was involved with research projects on the field. She also gained experience in obstetric ultrasound, diagnosis and patient management in early pregnancy and fetal medicine care. Dr. Ferrara worked at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, as Clinical Fellow in Early Pregnancy and Acute Gynaecology and then Clinical Fellow in Fetal Medicine.

Since January 2025, Dr Ferrara has been working at St. Thomas Hospital as a Gynaecology and Obstetrics Registrar and at the Royal London Hospital as a Clinical Fellow in Fetal Medicine.


Dr. Ferrara is a Specialist Doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with special interest in ultrasound diagnosis and care of gynaecology and early pregnancy conditions.


Italian, English.

Insurance Companies

Cigna, WPA, Allianz, Bupa International and Axa International approved doctor


Dr. Laura Ferrara is an Italian Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in London

Jun 28 21

Dr. Agnese Gambaro


Dr Agnese Maria Lourdes Gambaro is a gynaecologist in London.


Work experience in Italy

She graduated with honours and subsequently completed her training in Gynaecology and Obstetrics and obtained her PhD in Endocrinology and Reproductive Biotechnology at the Sapienza University in Rome. During her training, Dr. Gambaro focused her area of interest on infertility and gynaecological diagnostics (3D ultrasound, sonohysterosalpingography, hysterosalpingography and hysteroscopy), devoting herself primarily to the treatment of infertile couples at 360°. Her clinical activity in Italy was carried out at the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome and the Santa Maria Goretti Hospital in Latina.


Work experience in UK

Dr Gambaro worked at the Assisted Conception Unit of Guy’s Hospital in London first as a Clinical Fellow and then as a Specialty Doctor in Fertility from 2016 to 2022. During this experience, she perfected her training in the area of couple infertility, also dealing with couples who need to resort to heterologous fertilisation, and fertility preservation. She has furthered her knowledge in diagnostics and was responsible for and coordinated the course in 3D ultrasound and sonohysterosalpingography. Dr Gambaro is currently working at CARE Fertility as Medical Director. She is Member of British Fertility Society (BFS), Member of Italian Medical Society of Great Britain and Certified Member of IOTA Group.
She is passionate about research and has participated in several scientific publications, as well as presented scientific papers at prestigious international conferences.



Dr Gambaro has particular expertise in female and male infertility and is an experienced sonographer.



Italian, English, French.


In brief:

Dr Gambaro is an Italian gynaecologist in London.

Dec 17 15

Dr. Chiara Cerovac


Dr Chiara Cerovac is an expert Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist in London.

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery and obtained a postgraduate degree in ENT in Italy (Novara).

Dr Cerovac then moved to London to work as ENT consultant for the International School of London (Surrey). She has a strong experience in ENT pathologies of children.

Work experience in Italy

Between 2005 and 2010, Dr Cerovac worked for several clinics in Italy and gained experience in all ENT pathologies of adults and children. She also worked with the hyperbaric chamber team and can perform vestibular tests such as electronystagmography.

Work experience in UK

Dr Cerovac is currently working as private ENT consultant and has been working in UK since 2007. She previously worked as ENT consultant for the International School of London (Surrey) where she was in charge of otoscopic examinations and hearing tests on children from age 3 to 12.


Expert in ENT pathologies of both adults and children, vestibular tests and audiometry


Italian and English

Insurance Companies

Cigna and WPA approved doctor


Dr. Chiara Cerovac is an italian ENT doctor in London