Aug 19 16

Dr Antonio Scalfari


Dr Antonio Scalfari is a consultant neurologist in London.

Work experience in Italy

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at Messina University (Italy) in 1999, where he completed his training in Neurology in 2004. During his training, he gained experience in general neurology, dealing with patients with acute and chronic neurologic disorders.

Work experience in UK

Since 2003 he has been living and working in the UK. His research interest is on Multiple Sclerosis; he was a research fellow at Oxford University from 2003 to 2006. At Imperial College London, he completed in 2011 a PhD in Multiple Sclerosis epidemiology and in 2015 a 2 years postdoc clinical fellowship; he was funded by the Italian MS society and by the UK MS Society. He has authored several scientific articles in highly impact journals and participates regularly as speaker at international conferences and courses on MS. He participates to the teaching activities for medical students from Imperial College London and continues his research activity in collaboration with other international academic institutes.

Dr Scalfari works as consultant Neurologist at the tertiary centre for the management of MS and neuro-inflammatory diseases at Charing Cross and St Mary Hospitals (Imperial College Healthcare Trust). He is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London. Since 2006 he has been working as general neurologist at Central Middlesex and Northwick Park Hospitals (Northwest London Healthcare Trust).


Dr Scalfari has extensive clinical experience in managing any kind of neurological disease, involving the central and the peripheral nervous systems. These include: headaches, Prakinson, tremor and movement disorders, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and neuro-inflammatory diseases, neuropathic pain, peripheral neuropathies, neuromuscular disorders.


Italian and English.

Insurance Companies

Aetna, Cigna, Axa Assicurazioni, Aviva, WPA, Vitality, Haelix Health and Alliance approved doctor.


Dr Antonio Scalfari is an Italian consultant neurologist in London.

Mar 23 19

Dr. Francesca Puledda


Dr Puledda is an Italian Neurologist in London

Work experience in Italy

She graduated at the University of Rome “Sapienza” Medical school in 2010. She trained in the same University, at the Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, where she became a Neurologist in 2016. During her experience in Italy she gained knowledge in patients with acute and chronic neurological disorders.
While completing her training, she attended King’s College London as a Clinical Fellow in the Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Department and the Neurology Department at King’s College Hospital for 12 months.

Work experience in UK

Since 2015 she has been living and working in London. She currently works in a highly specialized tertiary care team that deals with headache disorders at King’s College London.
She is a Clinical Research Fellow and a PhD candidate in Neuroscience. Her research interests involve neuroimaging as well as the pathophysiology of migraine and other headaches.
She is also an Honorary Clinical Fellow at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, where she is directly involved in clinical and research management of pediatric headache patients.


She is an expert in headache disorders of all types including migraine, cluster headache, tension type headache, facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia.


Italian, English, Spanish

Insurance Companies

WPA, Cigna, Allianz, Bupa UK, Vitality and Aviva approved doctor


Dr Puledda is an Italian Neurologist in London

Jan 11 18

Prof. Nicola Maffulli


Prof. Nicola Maffulli MD, MS, PhD, FRCP, FRCS(Orth)

Prof. Nicola Maffulli is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Honorary Professor for Sports and Exercise Medicine at Queen Mary University of London. His specialities include sports injury, knee surgery, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, arthroscopic surgery of the knee, foot and ankle, foot and ankle conditions including hallux valgus and tendon injuries, and the management of degenerative joint disease in young people.
He organised the surgical services at the London Olympics in 2012, covering all of the training and competition venues. In addition, he organised the medical supervision of the Judo and Wrestling competitions for London 2012. Prof. Nicola Maffulli is Editor-in-Chief of two high-impact peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has published 12 textbooks and more than 1,000 scientific articles.
Soft tissues problems constitute the major focus of Professor Maffulli’s research, in fact is is an expert in tendon pathology.
Professor Maffulli is currently involved with a number of multi-disciplinary projects, both in the UK and overseas. In London, he has been the Chair and Chief of Service of The Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, the only such academic centre in the UK, leading both the clinical and academic aspects.

Insurance Companies

Bupa, Axa, Aviva, WPA, Cigna, Allianz, Vitality, CS Healthcare approved doctor.

Feb 15 20

Mr. Pierluigi Cuomo


Mr Pierluigi Cuomo is a Consultant orthopaedic surgeon in London.


Work experience in Italy

After obtaining the Medical Degree at the University of Florence in 1999, he was a resident in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the University of Florence. From 2007 to 2019 he has been a Consultant in Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Department of Orthopaedic Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery of the Careggi University Hospital in Florence.


Work experience in UK

After completing the residency in Orthopaedics he attended the Imperial College of London as research fellow and he obtained a PhD in biomechanics.
In 2019 he moved again to the UK and he worked as locum Consultant at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, London for fifteen months.

Currently he is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Department of Bioengineering of the Imperial College.



Mr Cuomo is expert in open and arthroscopic knee surgery, joint replacement and orthopaedic oncology.



Italian and English.


Insurance companies

WPA, Cigna and Bupa Global approved doctor.


In summary:

Dr. Pieluigi Cuomo is an Italian orthopedist in London.

Jan 21 18

Dr. Alessandra Frustaci


Dr Frustaci is a Consultant Psychiatrist at Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust in London.

Work experience in Italy
She graduated in Medicine and Surgery, and obtained a postgraduate degree in Psychiatry at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome where she gained experience in general psychiatry. She then started practicing as a clinical psychiatrist in several clinics in Rome whilst continuing her academic career obtaining both a Postgraduate Master in “Epidemiology” and a Ph.D. in “Research and advanced methodologies in psychotherapy” at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. She is co-author of scientific publications in international journals.

Work experience in UK

Dr Frustaci moved to the UK in 2015 and worked as a specialty doctor at South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust, then as a locum consultant psychiatrist at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, and was eventually appointed as substantive consultant psychiatrist in Eating Disorders at Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, based in St Ann’s Hospital in London.


Eating disorders, general adult psychiatry


Italian and English.


Dr Frustaci is an Italian Psychiatrist in London.

Jul 6 21

Dr. Suzana Corciova


Dr Corciova is a Consultant at Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London.


Work experience in Italy

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery, and obtained a postgraduate degree in Ericksonian Hypnosis at SIIPE (Italian School of Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy) in Rome. She practiced as a private Psychotherapist.


Work experience in UK

Dr Corciova moved to UK in 2012 and trained in Psychiatry in North East London NHS Foundation Trust, then completed her training in Children & Adolescent Psychiatry in Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust- Imperial College Healthcare.
Dr Corciova is currently working as a Consultant at the Royal Free CAMHS Eating Disorders service. She is co-author of scientific publications in international journals.



Children & adolescent Psychiatry, eating disorders.



Italian, Romanian and English.


In summary:

Dr Corciova is an Italian Children & Adolescent Psychiatrist in London.

Mar 4 23

Dr. Cecilia Casetta


Dr Casetta is an Italian psychiatrist at Bethlem Royal Hospital, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust in London.


Work experience in Italy

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, where she also specialised in Psychiatry.


Work experience in UK

She completed her training in London at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London and Maudsley Hospital at the National Psychosis Unit, a tertiary care centre for the treatment of complex psychotic disorders, where she remained working as a Consultant Psychiatrist for a year after specialisation. In 2020 she returns to Italy where she works for two years at the ASST Santi Paolo Carlo in Milan as a territorial psychiatrist, while continuing to collaborate with the IoPPN on research and publishing scientific articles. In 2022 she returns to London where she resumes her work as Consultant Psychiatrist at the National Psychosis Unit and as Research Psychiatrist for the multicentre CLEAR (“Clozapine in early psychosis”) project at the IoPPN.

General adult psychiatry, psychotic disorders, mood disorders.



Italian, English.


Insurance companies:

Axa, Allianz, Vitality and Aviva approved doctor.


In summary:

Dr Casetta is an Italian psychiatrist in London.

Oct 16 24

Dr. Diego Quattrone


Dr. Diego Quattrone is a Senior Lecturer in Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry at King’s College London, Consultant Psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Palermo.


Work experience in Italy

Dr. Quattrone completed his medical degree and specialization in Psychiatry at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic, graduating with first-class honors.


Work experience in UK

After moving to the UK, Dr. Quattrone completed a PhD at King’s College London. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry at King’s College London and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Palermo. He also works as a Consultant in Psychiatric Intensive Care at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, where he led Inpatient and Crisis Services for the Lewisham Operation Directorate. With over 10 years of experience in treating patients with acute and chronic psychiatric conditions, he focuses on early intervention and intensive treatment approaches.



Dr. Quattrone specializes in the treatment of psychosis, paranoia, and substance use disorders, particularly focusing on how cannabis affects the endocannabinoid system and genetic vulnerabilities associated with its psychiatric effects. He is also an expert in integrating genetic and environmental research to better understand human behaviour and improve psychiatric treatments, advocating for a personalized and preventive approach to mental health care.



Italian, English.


In summary:

Dr. Diego Quattrone is an Italian psychiatrist in London.

Feb 24 23

Dr. Giovanni Tritto


Dr Giovanni Tritto is an Italian doctor, with specialist training in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy as well as Internal Medicine. He is the joint Clinical Lead of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology department at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust.

He graduated in Medicine cum laude in 1988 at the University “Federico II” in Naples and subsequently completed his specialist training in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy as well as in Internal Medicine with full marks.
During his specialist training he not only acquired experience in the management of gastrointestinal and liver disease but also widened his knowledge to many other areas of Internal Medicine, including nutrition, cardiovascular, metabolic disease, diabetes and hypertension, to obtain a multisciplinary and holistic approach to patient care.


Work experience in Italy

After completion of his specialist training, he worked as hospital consultant in both Gastroenterology and Acute Medicine. From 2003 he was employed as consultant in the Liver Unit of the Cardarelly Hospital in Naples, one of the major liver transplant centres in southern Italy, where he worked until 2009, when he decided to move abroad for a sabbatical research break.


Work experience in UK

Having moved to London, Dr Tritto undertook a research programme with the Liver Failure Group of the University College London along with a clinical fellowship at the Hepatology Department of the Royal Free Hospital. After two years he decided to settle in Great Britain. He worked initially as locum consultant gastroenterologist at the King George Hospital and, from 2013, at the Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust. From 2016 he is the clinical lead of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology department. He has authored many of scientific papers in gastroenterology and hepatology. In 2016 he was honoured with the fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of London.



Dr Tritto has wide experience in the management of liver and gastrointestinal disease and in gastrointestinal endoscopy, for which he is an accredited trainer.



Italian, English.



Aviva, Axa, Vitality and Cigna approved doctor.


In summary:

Dr Tritto is an italian physician and gastroenterologist working in London.

Oct 4 22

Mr. Francesco Di Maggio


Mr Francesco Di Maggio is a Consultant General and Upper GI Surgeon in London.

Dr. Francesco Di Maggio is a highly specialised surgeon in the diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract diseases. He currently serves as a Consultant Upper Gastro-intestinal Surgeon at Croydon University NHS Hospital and the prestigious Shirley Oaks Clinic (Circle Health) and New Victoria Hospital in Kingston.


Work experience in Italy

Dr. Di Maggio graduated with honors from the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2006 and completed his specialisation in General Surgery with top marks at the University of Parma in 2014, with a thesis on pancreatic carcinoma published in Pancreatology. In 2017, he earned a Master’s degree in Humanitarian Emergency Surgery from the
University of Verona, working with Doctors Without Borders.


Work experience in UK

Since 2012, Dr. Di Maggio has collaborated with internationally renowned research institutions such as the Barts Cancer Institute, Kings College, and Imperial College London. He is the lead author of numerous high-impact publications on various surgical and medical topics, including:
– Minimally invasive esophageal cancer resection (Langenbecks 2021)
– Use of indocyanine green in emergency cholecystectomies (Surgical
Innovation 2020)
– The role of stroma in pancreatic cancer (Pancreatology 2017, Pancreas 2020)
– Complications of paraesophageal hernias (Annals of Laparoscopic Surgery
– Treatment of caustic ingestion injuries (Surgical Endoscopy 2022)

He has presented his work at numerous international conferences and has contributed to many other national and international studies as a co-author. From 2018 to 2021, he served as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Upper GI Surgery at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, where he focused on minimally invasive surgical treatment of upper gastrointestinal diseases.



Dr. Di Maggio specialises in the surgical treatment of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal motility disorders, gallstone disease, biliary pathology, and esophagogastric neoplasms. Under his guidance, the UGI operative
unit at Croydon has increased anti-reflux surgeries by 800%, from 5 to over 40 operations per year.
He also performs minimally invasive surgery for inguinal and abdominal wall hernias, and the removal of benign skin and subcutaneous lesions. With nearly 3000 surgeries to his credit, Dr. Di Maggio continues to provide excellent care to his patients.



Italian, Spanish, English, French.


Insurance Companies:

Bupa, Vitality, Axa, Aviva, Health online, General, WPA, Cigna, Aetna, Healix and Allianz approved doctor


In summary:

Mr Di Maggio is an Italian Consultant General and Upper GI surgeon in London.