Aug 19 16



Gastroenterologists in London

Are you looking for gastroenterologists in London? Our Dottore London medical centre puts at your disposal experts in gastroenterology.

A gastroenterologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gastrointestinal tract disease.

We’ll briefly show you what a gastroenterology consultation is, what kind of services are provided by our medical centre, and how you can contact us.


Gastroenterologists: gastroenterology consultation


Gastroenterology consultation

You should see a gastroenterologist if you are affected by the following sympotms: nausea, burning and/or pain in the stomach, digestive difficulties, dyspepsia.

During a gastroenterology consultation, the specialist collects information about the patient’s clinical history and examines his or her symptoms in order to identify health problems related to stomach, esophagus, colon, liver, and so on.

The main diseases a gastroenterologist deals with are celiac disease, reflux, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids.



Our italian Gastroenterologists in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • Assessment and treatment of all most common gastroenterology disorders.



  • For consultation: £250
  • Follow up: £200

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Mar 30 21


Claudio Colombo

Proctologists in London

Are you looking for proctologist in London? Our Dottore London medical centre is for you.

If you think you need medical advice do not delay to contact us. If you have doubts about what the sphere of competence of this specialist is, we will briefly explain to you what his field of action is and how you can contact us to book an appointment.



What is Proctology?

Proctology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of diseases of the colorectal and anus. Specifically, it analyzes all the functions connected to these 2 organs and studies their related pathologies such as hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, colitis, chron’s disease and more.


What does the Proctologist do and what are the diseases treated?

The proctologist is therefore a doctor specialized in diagnosing and treating all the proctological problems that we will specify in the next paragraphs.

Its task is to carry out accurate tests and specialist assessments that are necessary to identify, and then put into practice, the best therapeutic pathways necessary for the patient’s recovery. In most cases, a proctoscopy or a rigid sigmoidoscopy is added to complete the examination.


As we understood, the proctologist deals with analyzing the pathologies of the following 3 organs:

  • Colon
  • Rectum
  • Anus


The pathologies most treated by the proctologist are:

  • Anal warts
  • Fistulas
  • Diverticulitis
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Intestinal polyps
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Fissure
  • Constipation or bowel incontinence


When to ask for an appointment with the Proctologist?

There are several symptoms for which a check-up is recommended:

  • difficulty going to the bathroom;
  • disorders or disorders of any kind in the colon and anus;
  • prolonged and persistent anal pains;
  • continuous, persistent and not otherwise explainable stomach pains;
  • presence of hemorrhoids (both internal and external);
  • prolonged presence of symptoms such as abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation and diarrhea;
  • anal bleeding or blood in the stool.


What is a proctological examination?

A proctological examination is an essential diagnostic step if you have any intestinal and / or anorectal symptoms. This includes a careful and complete inspection of the anorectal area and, if felt appropriate, a digital rectal examination.

In most cases, a proctoscopy or a rigid sigmoidoscopy is added to complete the examination.


Anorectal manometry?

Anorectal manometry is a specific test used for the accurate diagnosis of problems relating to the functioning of anal sphincters and pelvic floor in general.

The examination can be useful for the diagnosis of many anorectal conditions, such as faecal incontinence, constipation, obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS), anal pain and anismus (pelvic floor incoordination). Manometry can also be used in the perioperative management for haemorrhoids or other minor benign anorectal conditions.



  • First consultation: £300
  • Follow-up: £200
  • First consultation + proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy: £300
  • Follow-up + proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy: £200
  • Anorectal manometry £300

*Prices for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination


May 28 20



Oncologists in London

An oncologist deals with the treatment of tumors.

Are you looking for oncologists in London? Our Dottore London medical centre puts at your disposal specialists in oncology.

If you think you need medical advice in this area, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you don’t know what the field of expertise of a oncologist is, we’ll briefly show you what a oncologist does and how you can ask for information about your state of health.


oncologists in London


What does an oncologist do?

As we said, an oncologist deals with the treatment of tumors.

After the diagnosis, in which the stage of the tumor is highlighted, the oncologist presents the patient a list of possibilities for treatment, then proposing the solution he considers to be the best one.

An oncologist, through chemotherapy and other therapies, tries to treat the patient without surgery.

For this reason, many times, the oncologist works together with a surgeon with a specialization in tumors and a professional in radiation therapy.


An oncologist is a doctor expert in:

  • pathophysiology of tumors;
  • diagnostic techniques;
  • planning of anticancer therapies;
  • can be an expert in chemotherapy (medical oncologist);
  • can be an expert in surgery (surgical oncologist);
  • can be an expert in radiotherapy (radiotherapy oncologist).


An oncologist can be faced with all types of tumors and not only:

  • cancer (oral, colon, liver, pancreas, lungs, prostate, kidney, breast, stomach, testicles, uterus);
  • melanoma;
  • leukemia;
  • Lymphomas.


The oncologist’s task is also to establish a strong relationship with the patient. He must precisely explain the outcome, share all the available options and related side effects, but above all he must provide psychological assistance to the patient. 



Our italian oncologists in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • General oncology consultation
  • Cancer screening consultation



  • First consultation: £250
  • Follow up: £200

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Aug 19 16



Psychiatrists in London

Are you looking for psychiatrists in London? Our Dottore London medical centre is for you.

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

We’ll briefly show you when you need to go for a psychiatry consultation and what kind of services are provided by our medical centre. We’ll also show you how you can contac us in order to book your first medical examination.


Psychiatrists: psychiatry consultation


Psychiatry consultation

Psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. They use two kind of treatments modalities to help their patients: medicinal products and/or psychoterapy.

You should see a psychiatrist when you are affected by severe depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, and so on.

A psychiatry consultation lasts about an hour. The psychiatrist interviews the patient about his or her clinical history. Doing this the specialist can identify when patient’s mental disorders began. Also, he or she can know if the patient had already taken both medication and a course of therapy in the past.

As mentioned above, a psychiatrist deals with the treatment of mental disorders. For this reason, healthy people who are experiencing a difficult period (divorce, indecision on an important choise, change of job, and so on) should see a psychologist.



Our italian psychiatrists in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • General assessment for Depression
  • Anxiety disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Personality Disorders
  • Trauma (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Eating disorders
  • Children and adolescent psychiatry
  • ADHD assessment for children
  • ADHD assessment for adults



  • First consultation: £300
  • Follow up: £250
  • ADHD assessment for children: £600
  • ADHD assessment for adults: £750

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Jan 12 16



Physiotherapists in London

If you need to see physiotherapists in London, our Dottore London medical centre is for you.

Physiotherapists are experts in the field of excercise rehabilitation. Their areas of competence relate to back pain, whiplash, arthritis, cardiovascular problems, muscle pain, and so on.

We’ll briefly show you what a physiotherapist does, what kind of services are provided by our medical centre, and how you can contact us.




What does a physiotherapist do?

A physiotherapist is a professional whose skills are necessary in a variety of circumstances. In the first place, a physiotherapist examines the patient’s impaired mobility. In the second place, he decides what kind of exercises he wants the patient to do in order to regain the range of movement lost. Both the physiotherapist and patient’s family help the patient to do his or her excercises.

Back pain, for example, is a very common problem due to repeated efforts over time. To be alleviated it requires massages or specific movements. Other types of injuries are muscle stretching and joint dysfunction problems, just to name a few.

Some of the techniques used by physiotherapists to give relief to the patients are gymnastics, massages, heat, and acupuncture.



Our italian physiotherapists in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • Mobilisation/Manipulation
  • Acupuncture/Dry Needling
  • Exercise – Strengthening and stretching exercises
  • Advice about prevention and daily modified activities to reduce pain
  • Taping and strapping
  • Tecar/Diathermy
  • Heat therapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Massage



  • First consultation: £110 (50 mins)
  • Follow-up: £90 (30 mins)

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Jan 12 16

Speech and Language Therapists


Speech and language therapists in London

Are you looking for speech and language therapists in London? Our Dottore London medical centre puts at your disposal experts in the field of speech and language.

If some of your relatives are affected by speech and hearing disorders, contact us. In fact, speech and language therapists work with both children and adults.

We’ll briefly show you what a speech and language therapist does, what kind of services are provided by our medical centre, and how you can contact us.


speech and language therapists


What does a speech and language therapist do?

A speech and language therapist is the professional who deals with the prevention and treatment of language, voice, hearing, swallowing, and deafness disorders. Keep in mind that a speech and language therapist takes care of patients of all ages.

During speech therapy sessions, the therapist corrects patient’s innate or acquired disorders of both oral and written language. Professionals in the field of speech and language deal with the following disorders:

  • dyslexia: difficulty in reading and writing correctly
  • dyscalculia: difficulty in learning mathematics
  • dysgraphia: difficulty in learning writing
  • stutter
  • atypical swallowing



Our italian speech and language therapists in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • Language and communication delay
  • Language specific disorder
  • Language acquisition in bilingualism
  • Learning difficulties
  • Deafness and hearing impairment
  • Autistic spectrum disorder
  • Swallowing disorder
  • Counselling and parents support
  • Collaboration with the school



  • First consultation: £150
  • Follow up: £100
  • House consultation: £180 first consultation, £150 follow up

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Feb 1 16



Dietitians in London

Are you looking for dietitians in London? Our Dottore London medical centre is for you. We put at your disposal specialists in the field of nutrition.

A dietician is a medical doctor who specializes in nutrition and treats both overweight people and those who had bad dietary habists.

We’ll briefly show you what a nutrition consultation is, what kind of services are provided by our medical centre, and how you can contact us.


Italian dietitians in London

Nutrition consultation

It is necessary to specify that a nutrition consultation can also help people who are not overweight. In fact, people who usually eat junk food or skip meals should need the advice of a dietitian. Healthy eating help all of us to live better lives, so it should be taken into consideration.

What is a nutrition consultation? First of all, the specialist wants the patient to undergo a blood test. Secondly, he or she analyzes the patient’s dietary habits (number of meals eaten per day, types of food usually eaten, and so on) in order to uncover if they are good or bad. Finally, the doctor measures the patient’s weight, height, and body mass index.

Once the dietitian has collected all the data needed to make a diagnosis, he or she personalizes patient’s diet plan. The patient’s duty is to keep to the diet for the time requested by the specialist.



Our italian dietitians in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • Healthy eating and healthy lifestyle consultations for adults,children,women during pregnancy
  • Dietary advice based on individual needs and habits
  • Dietetic management of disease (Obesity and overweight, Diabetes, Dyslipidaemia…)
  • Assessment of nutritional status and estimation of nutritional requirements
  • Anthropometric measurements (weight,height,BMI,waist circumference) and  bioelectrical impedance body fat
  • Testing
  • Follow up



  • First consultation: £110
  • First consultation + BIA*: £130
  • Follow up: £90 (30 mins)
  • Follow up + BIA*: £110 (30 mins)

*BIA = Bioelectrical impedance analysis

*Prices valid for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Jun 30 20



Nurses in London

Are you looking for nurses in London? Our Dottore London medical centre is for you.

A nurse is the health worker who takes care of nursing. The nurse does not only have a “technical” role, but is a professional who supports the patient both from a relational and educational point of view.

He is a professional who takes care of health, both from the point of view of the individual patient and the community.

We will briefly show you the duties of nurses, when you may need them, what are the services offered by our medical centre and how you can contact our nurses in case of need.


nurses in london

What does a nurse do?

A nurse is an health worker who takes care of many tasks:

  • carrying out tests
  • supplying and administration of drugs
  • monitoring the medical conditions of patients through various instruments (heart and respiratory rate, measurement of body temperature and blood pressure,…)
  • updating patient medical records
  • prescribe cures and therapies
  • carrying out vaccinations
  • applying dressings and bandages
  • assistance to doctors


Relationship between nurse and patient

The role of the nurse is very demanding. In addition to the physical point of view, they have pressure also from the mental and emotional point of view.

In fact, the task of a nurse does not stop only at the previous tasks described. A nurse must live with suffering situations of patients and family members, must be a “friend” who supports and at the same time must maintain great professionalism.



Our italian nurses in London are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level.


Services provided

  • Phlebotomy
  • Nursing care
  • Vital parameters monitoring (eg. blood pressure, heart rate)
  • Injections
  • Medications


Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination

Feb 5 20

Health checks


Health checks in London

The are different types of health checks depending on the patients. In fact, they can be men, women, or children.

It must be said that the health checks are medical examinations that patients should have once a year. For this reason, you don’t need to be affected by diseases or symptoms to undergo a health check. Also, it is highly recommended for people who are over fifty.

Usually, the health checks  provided by medical centres are the following: blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, gynaecologist consultation, and endocrinologist consultation.

Our Dottore London medical centre puts at your disposal the specialists you need to stay healthy.

We’ll briefly show you what kind of services are provided by our medical centre and how you can contact us in order to book your health check.


Health checks



Our doctors are italian mother tongue and they can speak english at the best professional level. We can offer the best health checks in London.


Women health check – From £330*

  • Basic: gynaecologist consultation + blood tests
  • Basic plus: gynaecologist consultation + ultrasound scan + blood tests
  • Full: gynaecologist consultation + ultrasound scan + HPV test + blood tests
  • Premium: gynaecologist consultation + ultrasound scan + HPV test + bilateral breast ultrasound + blood tests


Women Health Check (over 50) – From £280*

  • Medical consultation + blood tests


Men Health Check -From £280*

  • Basic: medical consultation + blood tests
  • Full: medical consultation + ECG + blood tests
  • Premium: medical consultation + abdomen ultrasound scan + blood tests


Men Health Check (over 50) – From £350*

  • Basic: Medical consultation + blood tests + PSPA Prostate Specific Antigen (Total)
  • Full: Andrology/Urology consultation + ultrasound scan + blood tests + uroflow test
  • Premium: Medical consultation + blood tests + PSPA Prostate Specific Antigen (Total) + Testosterone + andrology/urology consultation + ultrasound scan + uroflow test


Fertility MOT – From £520*

  • Woman: gynaecologist consultation + 3D ultrasound scan + blood tests.
  • Man: andrologist consultation + ultrasound scan + blood tests + urine test + semen analysis.
  • A psychotherapy session can be added to each of the above packages, if required.


Obesity Management Plan – From £470*

  • Basic: endocrinologist consultation + dietitian consultation + blood tests
  • Full: endocrinologist consultation + dietitian consultation with BIA + blood tests
  • Premium: endocrinologist consultation + dietitian consultation with BIA + abdomen ultrasound scan + blood tests
  • A psychotherapy session can be added to each of the above packages, if required

*Prices for self-pay patients only

Contact us to ask for information or book your medical examination